Looking Back: TASL MVP Awards 2017

The MVP (Media/Virtual Presence) Award is given to those school librarians who show excellence in their virtual presence through several different avenues, including but not limited to Twitter, professional websites, Facebook, school library websites, blogs, Pinterest, and other social media.

Sara Romine currently serves as the librarian at Woodstone Elementary in North East ISD.  Her online presence via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and her blog, “Lessons from a Laughing Librarian”, exemplify her innovative library programming and her commitment to the importance of sharing her library story through social media.  TASL is proud to recognize Sara with an MVP Honorary Award for Excellence for her exceptional online presence.
Cari Young currently serves as the librarian at Fox Run Elementary School in North East ISD.  Cari shares her creative library centers and twenty-first century learning practices through a variety of social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and her blog entitled “Library Learners”.  Cari is being recognized with a TASL MVP Honorary Award for Excellence for her exemplary work.

Each year, the TASL MVP Awards Committee selects a librarian who demonstrates excellence in his/her media virtual presence.  This year’s winner was selected by a committee of dedicated librarians, Sue Fitzgerald, Carolyn Foote, and Michelle Cooper, who evaluated all applicants’ medial presence for relevance, timeliness, social interaction, blog components, and appearance.  TASL is pleased to announce this year’s winner is devoted to sharing a love of libraries and children’s literature via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and her blog, “Librarian in Cute Shoes”.  Through her social media presence, Cynthia Alaniz champions and promotes engaging school library curriculum by sharing her expertise freely with all educators.  Cynthia currently serves as the librarian at Cottonwood Creek Elementary in Coppell ISD.  We are proud to award Cynthia the TASL MVP Award for 2017.

TASL would like to congratulation to all the recipients listed above and the MVP Committee for their service this past year. If you’d like additional information about the TASL MVP Award, please check the TASL Awards page and click on the MVP tab.  For a list of past winners, use this link.  Keep sharing your library stories and use the #txasl and #txlchat hashtags to connect with other librarians across the state.

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