Because We All Have Something To Share

By Wenndy Pray, Librarian, B. L. Gray Jr. High School, Sharyland ISD

I’ve just started in my library. I haven’t even done anything yet. I’m in my “beg, steal, & borrow” phase. What could I possibly contribute? And other similar thoughts occupied my mind when I thought of making an impact in my librarian community. What advice would a brand new librarian have to give?

Lucky for me, our district librarian has always been very helpful in providing opportunities to expand our horizons, and after writing "Reflections of a First-Year Librarian" for the Texas Library Journal, I realized that I could contribute my experiences to my community and help my fellow librarians establish a strong start in their career. Shortly after I wrote this article, I read Brave Before Perfect: A New Approach for Future Ready Librarians by Traci Chun. That, along with further encouragement from my peers, provided the impulse I needed to answer an invitation that Dr. Laura Sheneman, Coordinator of Library Services and Information Resources for Region One Education Service Center, had extended to experts in the field. It was an invitation to propose topics for her new Librarian Influencers podcast. So I was brave.

Filling out the proposal was a piece of cake. I’ve always inspired my students to write about what they know, so I would do just that. I wanted to share about my successful start in the library. I was to begin my fourth year and was confident that I could share my experiences and advice over a new platform: podcasts. Frankly, it was exciting. Whether I’d be approved or not, just filling out the proposal and stepping out of my comfort zone made me happy. 

The turnaround was quick. Dr. Sheneman sent an approved message with detailed instructions on how to arrange what we would discuss. This made me feel confident and secure. I need structure, so preparing notes before our recording helped me keep my discussion and answers on topic. When I get excited about something, I tend to talk about other related topics, so this was incredibly helpful. She presented it in a form of a Google Slide. I selected a quote that summarized my vision and thoughts about librarianship and provided a picture for the podcast promo.


And now for the play-by-play. I introduced myself, shared about my school and student body, talked about the wonderful faculty on my campus, and expanded on the relationship I have with my school’s administration. I shared on my professional learning network (PLN), important books that keep me grounded and focused, and about how attitude is everything. I even expanded on what I would tell myself at the start of my career. (Wouldn’t we all just love a time machine?) It was a wonderful experience to share and enrich my librarian community. And although I had prepared some notes to help me answer the questions, I felt relaxed with the organic experience. And the best part is that I was chosen to be the inaugural speaker to kick off the podcast! Being the first guest speaker was indeed a special treat. (Thank you, Dr. Sheneman!)

I know I have peers whose minds are riddled with the same thoughts of not knowing what to contribute - especially those of us who have fewer than five years in the field. But you do. We do! We all have something we can share to grow, broaden our perspective, provide encouragement, or just confirm the path we’ve taken. We all do great things and can be called experts in something we do well for our students and library program. I encourage my fellow librarians to reach out. 

You can tune in to The Librarian Influencers podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and Spotify. I am one of many librarians who have provided their insight on various issues in librarianship. “It’s a time to share your professional voice. It’s a time to offer other librarians a chance to build their PLN. Especially for those who are alone in their district or area. It’s a time to connect and be empowered,” shares Dr. Sheneman.


I felt just that. Was it perfect? Not by any means. But being brave enough to step out into uncharted territory has sent ripples of support into my librarian community. This experience has also given me the confidence to share through the TASL Lunch & Learn platform with short webinars. Imagine what we could all do for our fellow librarians. I encourage you to step out, search within you, your style, activities, ideas, outreach - let’s be brave for each other. Because we all have something to share.

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